Certified Arborist In San Diego
About Me

I Create an Environment That’s Beyond
Your Imagination

My name is Anya Reva. The scent of damp earth and the rustle of leaves are as familiar to me as my own heartbeat. I was born into a family where gardening wasn't just a hobby; it was a way of life. Our small Ukrainian village was a tapestry woven with emerald green, punctuated by bursts of color from a riot of flowers. My childhood was a symphony of seasons, each with its own gardening rhythm. I remember as a child, my hands stained with rich, dark soil, helping my grandmother tend to her garden. She would tell me stories of the land, of the plants, and of the spirits that resided within them. Her wisdom was my first university, teaching me about the delicate balance between nature and nurture. Graduating with honors was a testament to countless hours of dedication and the unwavering support of my family. 10 years in Dnipro, Ukraine. Grew everything from tiny violets to giant oak trees. Hands-on experience in every season, every weather. Learned to dance with nature, not fight it.


“Award winning landscape design & gardening business operating in Ukraine for 10 years.”

Anya Reva, CEO & Founder

Years later, I found myself in the heart of a different world - San Diego. The sun kissed my skin with a warmth unfamiliar to my frost-kissed homeland. The landscape was a stark contrast, dominated by sprawling lawns and exotic plants. Yet, beneath this superficial difference, I saw the same yearning for connection to the earth, the same desire for beauty and tranquility. The transition wasn't easy. The challenges were many - a new climate, different soil composition, and unfamiliar plant varieties. But with every challenge, my determination grew stronger. I enrolled in college, immersing myself in the study of arboriculture. The classroom became my second garden, where I cultivated knowledge to complement my innate green thumb.

Today, I stand at the crossroads of two worlds. I am a Ukrainian gardener with a Californian certification. My heart carries the wisdom of generations, while my mind is equipped with the latest horticultural techniques. I see San Diego as a canvas waiting to be painted with verdant strokes. I dream of transforming lawns into thriving ecosystems, of turning balconies into urban jungles, and of bringing the magic of gardening to every doorstep. With every garden I tend to, I'm not just shaping the landscape; I'm bridging cultures, honoring my roots, and sowing the seeds of a greener tomorrow. And as I stand in this sun-drenched city, surrounded by the promise of new life, I feel a profound sense of peace. For in the heart of a gardener, wherever she may be, there is always a home.

I'm Anya Reva, and gardening is in my blood. To me, landscaping is more than just mowing lawns and planting flowers. It's about creating spaces that nourish the soul. It's about respecting the earth, using sustainable practices, and bringing joy to people's lives. Whether it's a small backyard oasis or a sprawling estate, my goal is to design outdoor spaces that are as unique and beautiful as the individuals who enjoy them. I believe in using native plants whenever possible, supporting local businesses, and minimizing our impact on the planet. I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others connect with nature. Let's work together to create a greener, more beautiful world, one garden at a time!


The Reason For Choosing Anya Reva

My Process

Sustainable gardening is a holistic approach to cultivating plants that minimizes environmental impact while maximizing yields

Want a healthy and beautiful yard? I can help!